Friday, March 28, 2014


Opening hunt today. I wasn't going to go today and after have relief milked for most of the week I didn't wake up until 9 am and was in bed reading when the peer pressure piled on at 10.20 ish which made for a bit of a rush to get there in time to get saddled for a 12pm ride out. The problem with an experienced hunter is that they just know and he jogged and flubbed his lips all the way out. Still he jumped awesomely all day as he does. He loves it so much. Flying changes don't exist at home but he does them easily hunting or xc :/ . 

It wasn't the fastest day but there were a few good runs. I did have one moment when we jumped a very tall lowered wire with metal standards so it wasn't very visible. We got to a decent distance and I thought he would take off but he bobbled and sort of looked through the fence, then chipped in and jumped it. He generally isn't the chipping type but it's nice to know he can, so he ended up touching that with his front in and it was just a funny moment. Like not actually scary or dangerous but just like a damn that could have gone the other way sort of thing. The next fence was exactly the same and he obviously had given himself a wee fright because he jumped so hard over it he hit me in the chest as he jumped up through his shoulder. Good day that ended earlier than hunting normally does because it was really muggy, the horses were fairly poked and we had had a kill.  Butchly is about to get his third feed for the day and he has been well washed and linamented and has his magnetic rug on. Then I shall go have a nap. 

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